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CentriKid Raises $125 for Kids Around the World

Updated: Jun 27, 2020

This summer, we sent 34 people from Southside to to CentriKid! CentriKid is an overnight camp for 3rd- to 6th-graders who want to have fun, raise money for missions, and learn about the message of Jesus Christ!

Our kids raised about $125 for missions through camp this year, and these funds will go to support two different projects chosen by CentriKid. The first is Backpacks of Hope, a project of the North American Mission Board (NAMB), which helps to provide backpacks full of school supplies and food for kids who often go home to houses where there is not enough to eat. The second is One Home, a project of the International Mission Board (IMB), which aims to provide homes and household supplies for families in need in Mongolia. Both of these projects engaged Southside kids in helping other kids around the world!

For more information about CentriKid, please visit their website, follow them on Facebook, or speak to Rev. Cameron Wilson. For information about the missions projects supported by CentriKid camps, please click here.

Contributed by: Sarah Burnett

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